Family portraits tend to get put aside and pushed back over and over again for a variety of reasons. Does any of this sound familiar?

"Let's wait til the kids are older and can listen better."

"I need to lose 5/10/20/50 pounds first." 

Believe me, I get it. It seems like there's always a reason to put off family photos.

But there are a dozen great reasons not to.

Time marches on no matter what. A year passes and the kids grow and change. Before we know it, they're in school, then they're preteens, then they're about to graduate, and suddenly they're giving us grandbabies.

If your two year old twins are rambunctious and impossible to keep still, we can still capture a priceless family portrait for you. Granted, there may not be four perfectly aligned faces smiling directly at the camera, but since when is that anything like real life? You'll have beautiful, priceless memories either way.

And getting portraits made this year doesn't mean you can't lose weight and have more taken next year - but putting it off til then means your son's baby curls have been lost to his big boy haircut, or your daughter's adorable gap-toothed grin has filled in.

This moment in time is worth capturing and remembering.

A final note; when I wrap up a family session, almost every single time, Dad says something like "wow... that wasn't bad at all... that was actually pretty painless and fun!" Seriously.